
Table of contents

  1. Wire harness
  2. Robot
    1. UI Unit Cable
    2. UI Unit
    3. Computer
    4. Robot

Wire harness

Component Description Quantity
Yellow wire AWG 24 45 cm CAN L wire base to D131 1
Green wire AWG 24 45 cm CAN H wire base to D131 1
Black wire AWG 20 30 cm GND wire base to D131 1
Red wire AWG 20 30 cm 12V wire base to power switch 1
Black wire AWG 24 15 cm GND wire D131 Jack to D131 CAN 1
Red wire AWG 24 15 cm 12 wire power switch to D131 jack 1
Quick connect Quick connect crimp for power switch 2
2x2 ATX crimp housing D131 power jack crimp housing 1
ATX crimp contacts D131 power jack crimp contacts 2
AWG 24 Ferrules CAN Ferrules 3
Harwin 2x2 crimp housing For CAN base 1
Harwin crimp contacts For CAN base 4
Tool Description
Diagonal pliers To cut the cable
Wire stripper To isolate the wire strands
Crimping tool Harwin Harwin wire crimper
Crimping tool ATX ATX-style wire crimper
Crimping tool Ferrules Ferrule crimper
Crimping tool quick connect Quick connect crimper


Component Description Quantity
DJI RoboMaster S1 Fully assembled and tested robot 1
M4 distance bolts 10mm Distance bolts for base plate 1
Wire harness Previously assembled wire harness 1
Tool Description
Torx screwdriver For the turret screws

UI Unit Cable

First, we assemble the I2C connection cable. Then, we assemble the rest of the UI unit.

Component Description Quantity
OLED display Cable I2C cable coming with the display unit 1
Harwin 2x1 Crimp housing 1
Harwin 1x1 Crimp housing 2
Harwin crimp contacts Crimp contacts 4
Tool Description
Diagonal pliers To cut the cable
Wire stripper To isolate the wire strands
Crimping tool Harwin wire crimper

UI Unit

Component Description Quantity
UI front plate Lasercut front plate 1
Power switch Power switch 1
UI Button Button to interact with UI 1
OLED display UI display 1
Red wire 20cm Signal wire for UI button 1
Red wire 4cm Wire for pullup 1
Black wire 20cm Gnd wire for UI button 1
Shrink tubing 2cm Schrink tubing for wires 3
Resistor 1k5 Pullup resistor for UI button 1
Harwin 2x1 Crimp housing for UI button 1
Harwin crimp contacts Crimp contacts 2
M2 distance bolt Distance bolt to mount UI display 2
M2 screws 10mm screws to mount display on bolts 4
Tool Description
Diagonal pliers To cut the cable
Wire stripper To isolate the wire strands
Crimping tool Harwin wire crimper
Phillips screwdriver For small M2 screws
Soldering Iron To solder wires
Heat gun To apply shrink tubing to wires


Component Description Quantity
D131 Carrier board box Box containing the carrier board and mounting material 1
Jetson heat sink Heat sink and fan unit for the Jetson Orin 1
Jetson Orin NX Jetson Orin NX computer 1
WiFi module Intel M2 WiFi module 1
WiFi Antenna WiFi antenna for Intel module 2
SSD SSD M2 256 GB 1
Tool Description
Torx T6 To screw in the Jetson mounting screws
Small Phillips To unscrew fan


Component Description Quantity
Compute unit Assembled D131 carrier and Jetson 1
Base plate Lasercut base plate 1
M3x17 F/F distance bolts To mount the compute unit on the base plate 4
M3x35 M/F distance bolts To mount the UI unit on the compute unit 4
M3x10 screws Screws to mount distance bolts 4
M4 screws Screws that originally held the turret in place 4
Tool Description
Small slot screwdriver To screw in the CAN wires into the CAN header
Torx screwdriver Screwdriver coming with the RoboMaster, to mount the M4 screws
Pliers To hold distance bolts in palce or mount the power switch connectors